- Program at a Glance
- Keynote Program
- Technical and Poster Sessions
- Mini-Conference
- Tutorial
- Workshops
Click here to download the complete CNSM program.
Program at a Glance
06:00pm - 08:00pm | Reception [Fallsview, Level 9] |
08:45am - 09:00am | Introduction [Salon BC] |
09:00am - 10:00am | Keynote: IT Service Management and Delivery for an Enterprise, Maheswaran Surendra, IBM TJ Watson Research Center, USA [Salon BC] |
10:00am - 11:00am | Poster Session 1 and Break [Salon A] |
11:00am -12:30pm | Technical Session 1: Cloud Management [Salon BC] |
12:30pm - 01:45pm | Lunch [The Keg, Level-9] |
01:45pm - 03:15pm | Technical Session 2: IT Service Management [Salon BC] |
03:15pm - 04:15pm | Poster Session 2 and Break [Salon A] |
04:15pm - 05:45pm | Technical Session 3: Risk and Security Management [Salon BC] |
09:00am - 10:00am | Keynote: Designing the Future Network, Alberto Leon-Garcia, University of Toronto [Salon BC] |
10:00am - 11:00am | Poster Session 3 and Break [Salon A] |
11:00am -12:30pm | Technical Session 4: Policy Management [Salon BC] |
12:30pm - 01:45pm | Lunch [The Keg, Level-9] |
01:45pm - 03:15pm | Technical Session 5: Energy Management [Salon BC] |
03:15pm - 04:15pm | Poster Session 4 and Break [Salon A] |
04:15pm - 05:45pm | Technical Session 6: Enterprise Management [Salon BC] |
06:00pm - 09:00pm | Social Event [Pellar Estates, Niagara-on-the-Lake] |
08:30am - 10:00am | Technical Session 7: Fault and Intrusion Detection Management [Salon BC] |
10:00am - 11:00am | Poster Session 5 and Break [Salon A] |
11:00am -12:30pm | Technical Session 8: Energy and Desktop Solutions [Salon BC] |
12:30pm - 01:45pm | Lunch [The Keg, Level-9] |
01:45pm - 03:15pm | Technical Session 9: Intradomain Management [Salon BC] |
03:15pm - 04:00pm | Poster Session 6 and Break [Salon A] |
04:00pm - 05:30pm | Panel: Cloud computing management: where next? [Salon BC] |
05:30pm - 05:45pm | Closing Ceremony [Salon BC] |
09:00am - 10:30pm | Mini-Conference Session 1: Intrusion and Security Management [Salon C] | NEMA Workshop: Session 1 [Salon B] | MACE Workshop: Session 1 [Salon A] |
10:30am - 11:00am | Break | ||
11:00am - 12:30pm | Mini-Conference Session 2: Services and Fault Management [Salon C] | NEMA Workshop: Session 2 [Salon B] | MACE Workshop: Session 2 [Salon A] |
12:30pm - 02:00pm | Lunch [The Keg, Level-9] | ||
02:00pm - 03:30pm | Mini-Conference Session 3: Grids and Multimedia Management [Salon C] | NEMA Workshop: Session 3 [Salon B] | MACE Workshop: Session 3 [Salon A] |
03:30pm - 04:00pm | Break | ||
04:00pm - 05:30pm | Mini-Conference Session 4: IP Operations and Sensor Networks [Salon C] | NEMA Workshop: Session 4 [Salon B] | MACE Workshop: Session 4 [Salon A] |
NEMA: The 1st International Workshop on Network Embedded Management and Applications (NEMA)
MACE: The 5th International Workshop on Modelling Autonomic Communication Environments (MACE)
09:00am - 10:30am | Tutorial: Session-1 (Control Theory) [Salon B] | SVM Workshop: Session 1 [Salon A] |
10:30am - 11:00am | Break | |
11:00am - 12:30pm | Tutorial: Session-2 (Optimization Models) [Salon B] | SVM Workshop: Session 2 [Salon A] |
12:30pm - 02:00pm | Lunch | |
02:00pm - 03:30pm | Tutorial: Session-3 (Machine Learning) [Salon B] | SVM Workshop: Session 3 [Salon A] |
03:30pm - 04:00pm | Break | |
04:00pm - 05:30pm | Tutorial: Session-4 (Performance Models) [Salon B] | SVM Workshop: Session 4 [Salon A] |
SVM: 6th International Conference on Network and Service Management
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Social Events at CNSM 2010
- CNSM 2010 Reception
Sunday, October 24, 6 PM - 8 PM - CNSM 2010 Banquet
Tuesday, October 26, 6 PM - 10 PM - CNSM 2010 TPC Victory Dinner
Wednesday, October 27, 7 PM - 10 PM - IM 2011 OC/TPC Dinner
Thursday, October 28, 8 PM - 10 PM
October 25, 2010
Introduction (08:45am - 09:00am) [Salon BC]
Keynote: (09:00am - 10:00am) [Salon BC]
Title: IT Service Management and Delivery for an Enterprise,
by Maheswaran Surendra, IBM TJ Watson Research Center, USA
Poster Session 1 and Break (10:00am - 11:00am) [Salon A]
Technical Session 1: Cloud Management (11:00am - 12:30pm) [Salon BC]
Resource Management for Hosting Cloud Environments
Fetahi Wuhib (KTH Royal Institute of Technology),
Rolf Stadler (KTH),
Michael Spreitzer (IBM)
PRedictive Elastic ReSource Scaling for Cloud Systems
Zhenhuan Gong (North Carolina State University),
Xiaohui Gu (North Carolina State University),
John Wilkes (Google)
Legacy Distributed Systems using Virtual Appliance with Dependency Graph
Fumio Machida (NEC),
Masahiro Kawato (NEC),
Yoshiharu Maeno (NEC)
Lunch: (12:30pm - 01:45pm) [The Keg, Level-9]
Technical Session 2: IT Service Management (01:45pm - 03:15pm) [Salon BC]
Metric for Risk Assessment in IT Change Plans
Lisandro Zambenedetti Granville (UFRGS),
Luciano Paschoal Gaspary (UFRGS),
Claudio Bartolini (HP Laboratories),
Maher Rahmouni (HP Laboratories)
the Unpredictable: Automated Adaption of IT Change Plans for Unpredictable Management Domains
Sebastian Hagen (Technische Universität München),
Alfons Kemper (Technische Universität München)
Have All Tickets Gone?
Claudio Bartolini (HP Laboratories),
Philip Day (HP)
Poster Session 2 and Break (03:15pm - 04:15pm) [Salon A]
Technical Session 3: Risk and Security Management (04:15pm-05:45pm) [Salon BC]
Management in VoIP Infrastructures using Support Vector Machines
Mohamed Nassar (INRIA Nancy Grand Est),
Oussema Dabbebi (LORIA - INRIA),
Remi Badonnel (LORIA / INRIA Lorraine),
Olivier Festor (INRIA Nancy - Grand Est)
Security Risk Ranking for IP Flow Records
Shaonan Wang (University of Luxembourg),
Radu State (University of Luxembourg)
and Secure IPv6 Configuration in Enterprise Networks
Frederic Beck (INRIA Nancy Grand Est),
Isabelle Chrisment (LORIA - University of Nancy 1),
Ralph Droms (Cisco Systems),
Olivier Festor (INRIA Nancy - Grand Est)
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Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Keynote: (09:00am - 10:00am) [Salon BC]
Title: Designing the Future Network
by Alberto Leon-Garcia, University of Toronto
Poster Session 3 and Break (10:00am - 11:00am) [Salon A]
Technical Session 4: Policy Management (11:00am - 12:30am) [Salon BC]
Techniques for Policy Refinement
Robert Craven (Imperial College London),
Jorge Lobo (IBM T. J. Watson Research Center),
Emil Lupu (Imperial College),
Morris Sloman (Imperial College London),
Alessandra Russo (Department of Computing, Imperial College London)
Policies for Managing Human-centric Pervasive Services
Srdjan Marinovic (Imperial College London),
Kevin Twidle (Imperial College London),
Naranker Dulay (Imperial College London),
Morris Sloman (Imperial College London)
Deployment Framework for Self-contained Policies
Marwan Cheaito (University Paul Sabatier),
Romain Laborde (Institut de Recherche en Informatique de Toulouse),
François Barrere (Institut de Recherche en Informatique de
Abdelmalek Benzekri (Université Paul Sabatier)
Lunch: (12:30pm - 1:45pm) [The Keg, Level-9]
Technical Session 5: Energy Management (01:45pm - 03:15pm) [Salon BC]
Planning and Power Management to Exploit Sustainable Energy
Daniel Gmach (HP Labs),
Jerry Rolia (HP Laboratories),
Cullen Bash (HP Labs),
Yuan Chen (HP Labs),
Tom Christian (HP Labs),
Amip Shah (HP Labs)
Distributed Routing Protocol for Reducing Network
Energy Consumption
Daisuke Arai (KDDI R&D Laboratories Inc.),
Kiyohito Yoshihara (KDDI R&D Laboratories Inc.)
Cluster-based Negotiation Model for Task Allocation in Wireless
Sensor Network
Yukun Li (Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications)
Poster Session 4 and Break (03:15pm - 04:15pm) [Salon A]
Technical Session 6: Enterprise Management (04:15pm - 05:45pm) [Salon BC]
= Design of Efficient Backup Scheduling
Lucy Cherkasova (Hewlett Packard Labs),
Alex Zhang (HP Labs, Palo Alto, CA, USA),
Xiaozhou Li (HP Labs)
Application Deployment and Change Management
Sebastian Herden (Otto-von-Guericke-University Magdeburg),
Philip Robinson (SAP Research, Belfast),
Andre Zwanziger (Otto-von-Guericke-University Magdeburg
Fault Diagnosis with Metric-Correlation Models in Enterprise Software Systems
Mohammad Munawar (University of Waterloo),
Thomas Reidemeister (University of Waterloo),
Paul Ward (University of Waterloo)
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Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Technical Session 7: Fault and Intrusion Detection Management (08:30am - 10:00am) [Salon BC]
An Extensible
Framework for Repair-Driven Monitoring
Reidemeister (University of Waterloo), Paul Ward
(University of Waterloo), Miao Jiang
(University of Waterloo)
Application of Time Series Analysis to Fault Management in
Christopher Sapello (University of Delaware),
Adarsh Sethi (University of Delaware),
Marian Nodine (Telcordia Technologies),
Ritu Chadha (Telcordia)
Effective Acquaintance Management for Collaborative Intrusion
Detection Networks
Carol Fung (University of Waterloo),
Jie Zhang (University of Waterloo),
Raouf Boutaba (University of Waterloo)
Poster Session 5 and Break (10:00am - 11:00am) [Salon A]
Technical Session 8: Energy and Desktop Solutions (11:00am - 12:30pm) [Salon BC]
Energy-Awareness for Peer-assisted Streaming with Set-Top Boxes
Konstantin Pussep (Technische Universitaet Darmstadt),
Sebastian Kaune (TU Darmstadt),
Osama Abboud (TU Darmstadt),
Christian Huff (TU Darmstadt),
Ralf Steinmetz (Technische Universitaet Darmstadt)
of a Power/Workload Control System into IT Management Architecture
Sven Graupner (HP Laboratories),
Daniel Gmach (HP Labs)
of PXE-based Desktop Solutions into Broadband Access Networks
Tiago Cruz (DEI-CISUC University of Coimbra),
Paulo Simoes (University of Coimbra),
Fernando Bastos (PT Inovação),
Edmundo Monteiro (University of Coimbra)
Lunch (12:30pm - 01:30pm) [Salon A]
Technical Session 9: Intradomain Management (01:45pm - 03:15pm) [Salon BC]
Computing: A Pragmatic Approach for the Future Internet
Christos Tranoris (University of Patras),
Spyridon Denazis (University of Patras)
Analysis of Network Incidents and Intradomain Routing Changes
Amelie Medem (University Pierre & Marie Curie, LIP6/CNRS),
Renata Teixeira (Laboratoire d'Informatique de Paris 6),
Nick Feamster (Georgia Tech),
Mickael Meulle (France Telecom R&D)
Architecture for P2P Locality in Managed Networks Using Hierarchical
Marcos Simplício (Escola Politécnica - USP),
Walter Goya (University of Sao Paulo),
Tereza Carvalho (USP),
Victor Souza (Ericsson Research)
Poster Session 6 and Break (03:15pm - 04:00pm) [Salon A]
Panel (04:00pm - 05:30pm): Cloud computing management: where next? [Salon BC]
Moderators: Thierry Coupaye & Prosper Chemouil, Orange Labs,
Panel Members: Marcus Brunner (NEC Europe, Germany), Jonathan Bryce
(Rackspace, USA), Michelle Sibilla (IRIT, France), Vanish Talwar (HP Labs,
Closing Ceremony: 05:30pm - 05:45pm [Salon BC]
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Mini-Conference (Thursday, October 28)
Mini-Conference Session 1: Intrusion and Security Management (09:00am - 10:30am) [Salon C]
Network IDS Alert Classification with Frequent Itemset Mining
and Data Clustering
Risto Vaarandi (CCD CoE),
Karlis Podins (CCD CoE)
Framework for Self-Configuration on WMNs Aware of Performance and
Security Issues
Helber da Silva (University of Fortaleza),
Michele Nogueira (Universidade Federal do Paraná),
Raimir Holanda (UNIFOR),
Aldri dos Santos (Universidade Federal do Paraná)
driven monitoring of spatial-aggregated IP-Flow records
Cynthia Wagner (University of Luxembourg),
Gerard Wagener (SES Astra/University of Luxembourg),
Radu State (University of Luxembourg),
Alexandre Dulaunoy (SES ASTRA)
Performance view on DNSSEC migration
Daniel Migault (Orange-Labs, France),
Cedric Girard (Orange-Labs, France),
Maryline Laurent (INT)
Break: 10:30am - 11:00am
Mini-Conference Session 2: Services and Fault Management (11:00am - 12:30pm) [Salon C]
Cross-Domain Service Management for Enabling Domain Autonomy in
a Federated SOA
Ignacio Silva-Lepe (IBM Research),
Isabelle Rouvellou (IBM Research),
Rahul Akolkar (IBM Research),
Arun Iyengar (IBM Research)
Aggregation Scheme for the Optimisation of Service Search in
Peer-to-Peer Overlays
Adriano Fiorese (UDESC),
Paulo Simoes (University of Coimbra),
Fernando Boavida (University of Coimbra)
Service Composition Approach for Inter-Domain Provisioning
Fernando Matos (University of Coimbra),
Alexandre Matos (University of Coimbra),
Paulo Simoes (University of Coimbra),
Edmundo Monteiro (University of Coimbra)
Multi-domain fault management architecture based on a shared
ontology-based knowledge plane
Alfonso Castro (Telefónica Research and Development
Lozano José(Telefónica Investigación y Desarrollo
Beatriz Fuentes (Telefónica Investigación y Desarrollo),
Begoña Costales (Oesia),
Victor Villagrá (Universidad Politécnica de Madrid)
Lunch: 12:30pm - 01:30pm [The Keg, Level-9]
Mini-Conference Session 3: Grids and Multimedia Management (01:30pm - 03:00pm) [Salon C]
A Middleware for Integrating Mobile Phone and Grid Computing
Muthoni Masinde (University of Cape Town),
Antoine Bagula (University of Cape Town),
Victor Ndegwa (School of Computing and Informatics, University of
Demand-Side Energy Management Under Real-time Demand-Response
Jin Xiao (POSTECH),
Jae Yoon Chung (POSTECH),
Jian Li (POSTECH),
Raouf Boutaba (University of Waterloo),
James Hong (POSTECH)
Optimization in Enriched Video Traces for End-to-End Video Quality
Araz Jahaniaval (University of Guelph, School of Engineering),
Dalia Fayek (University of Guelph),
Ryan Brown (University of Guelph - Alumnus)
Failure Recovery for Reliable Multicast-based Content Delivery
Ning Wang (University of Surrey)
Break: 03:00pm - 03:30pm
Mini-Conference Session 4: IP Operations and Sensor Networks (03:30pm - 04:30pm) [Salon C]
A Neutral Layered Mapping System with Two-Stage Cache for a
Scalable Internet
Letong Sun (Tsinghua University)
Sensor Tasking Wireless Body Sensor Networks in Healthcare
Hui Wang (ITCE, POSTECH, Pohang, South Korea),
Hyek-soo Choi (Computer Science & Engineering, POSTECH, Pohang, South
Nazim Agoulmine (University of Evry, France),
M. Jamal Deen (LRSM/IBISC, University of Evry, France),
James Won-Ki Hong (Department of Electrical & Computer
Engineering, McMaster, Canada)
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Tutorial (Friday, October 29, 2010) [Salon A]
This tutorial will explore different theoritical tools used in the modeling and decision making. The four modeling techniques that will be introduced include:
- Control Theory:
The focus is on techniques that can be used to develop models for changing tuning
parameters and how these models are used in management controllers.
Speaker: Xiaoyun Zhu, VMware Inc., USA Optimization models: The focus is on the formulation of an optimization model for network and cloud management problems, a discussion of the tools that can be used to solve these problems and the role of models in making decisions.
Speaker: Asser N. Tantawi, IBM T.J. Watson Research Center, USAMachine Learning: The focus is on machine learning techniques useful in making effective decisions based on previous behaviour of the system.
Speaker: Paul Ward, University of Waterloo, CanadaPerformance models: The focus is on how to develop performance models for flow‐based architectures.
Speaker: Ravi Mazumdar, University of Waterloo, Canada
There will be a 90 minute session dedicated to each technique presented by people with extensive experience in using these techniques.
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Poster Session 1 [Salon A]
Fault Detection in Wireless Sensor Networks
Imao Huang (Beijing
University of Posts and Telecommunications)
Policy Exchange
Information Model in Support of Cross-Domain Management
Andrew Mayer
(Telcordia Technologies)
A Trust Model for
Capability Delegation in Federated Policy Systems
Kevin Feeney
(Trinity College Dublin), Rob Brennan (Trinity College Dublin), Simon
Foley (University College Cork)
Automated Identity Delegation
Thorsten Hoellrigl
(Karlsruhe Institute of Technology), Holger Kühner (Karlsruhe
Institute of Technology), Jochen Dinger (University of Karlsruhe),
Hannes Hartenstein (University of Karlsruhe)
Enterprise Systems Management Platforms For Continuous
Mission-Oriented Assessment Of Information Assurance
Amelia Fedyk
(Raytheon BBN Technologies), Michael Atighetchi (Raytheon BBN
Technologies), Partha Pal (Raytheon BBN Technologies)
Business-driven Risk Management for Cloud Computing
J. Oriol Fitó
(Barcelona Supercomputing Center), Jordi Guitart (Technical
University of Catalonia)
The method of query
shared source for multi-sink queries in wireless sensor networks
Seyyed Yahya Nabavi
(Islamic Azad University of Qazvin), Karim Faez (Amir Kabir
University of Technology)
User Identification
in Encrypted Network Communications
Robert Koch
(Universität der Bundeswehr), Gabi Dreo Rodosek (University of
Federal Armed Forces, Munich)
A Framework for
Context-Driven End-to-End QoS Control in Converged Networks
Suleiman Yerima
(University of Ulster),
Gerard Parr (University of Ulster), Sally McClean (School of Computing and Information Engineering, Faculty of Engineerning), Philip Morrow (University of Ulster), Cathryn Peoples (University of Ulster)
Automated Management
of Network Experiments and User Behaviour Emulation on Large Scale
Testbed Facilities
Steven Latré (Ghent
University), Filip De Turck (Ghent University – IBBT), Piet
Demeester (University of Ghent)
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Poster Session 2 [Salon A]
Using policies to
drive autonomic management of virtual systems
Michael Bauer
(University of Western Ontario), Delei Weng (University of Western
Trust Management for
Web Services
Scott Stoller (SUNY
Provisioning of IPTV Services in Ethernet-Based Broadband Networks
Ya-Shian Wang
(Chunghwa Telecom Laboratories)
Sharing information
about security alerts using semantic web technologies
Pilar Holgado
(Universidad Autónoma de Madrid), Jorge López de Vergara
(Universidad Autónoma de Madrid), Victor Villagrá (Universidad
Politécnica de Madrid), Iván Sanz (Telefónica I+D), Antonio Amaya
(Telefónica I+D)
IP Fast Reroute
Control using Centralized Control Plane Architecture
Shohei Kamamura
Kohei Shiomoto (NTT Labs)
An Iterative
Information-Theoretic Approach to Estimate Traffic Matrix
Ke Liu (Beijing
University of Posts and Telecommunications)
Resource Management in Virtual Network Environment
Takashi Miyamura
Kohei Shiomoto (NTT Labs)
An Efficient Data
Circulation and Discovery Scheme in VANETs Using Public
Transportation Systems
Chyi-Ren Dow (Feng
Chia University)
MANET Network
Management and Performance Monitoring for NHDP and OLSRv2
Ulrich Herberg
(Ecole Polytechnique), Thomas Clausen (Ecole Polytechnique), Robert
Cole (US Army CERDEC)
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Poster Session 3 [Salon A]
Approaches to Nodes
Choosing Protocol Model for Collaborative MIMO Cellular Networks
Xiaoxing Yu (SUNY
University at Buffalo), Jing Feng (PLA University of Science and
An Efficient Active
Probing Approach Based On The Combination Of Online And Offline
Likun Yu (Beijing
University of Posts and Telecommunications), Lu Cheng (Bejing
Univesity of Posts and Telecommunications), Yan Qiao (Beijing
University of Posts and Telecommunications), Yi-guo Yuan (beijing
university of post and telecommunication)
A Flow-based Anomaly
Detection Method using Sketch and Combinations of Traffic Features
Shuying Chang
(Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications)
Design and Optimization of Enterprise Applications
Jan Schaefer
(RheinMain University of Applied Sciences), Markus Schmid (RheinMain
University of Applied Sciences), Marcus Thoss (RheinMain University
of Applied Sciences), Andreas Textor (RheinMain University of Applied
Sciences), Reinhold Kroeger (RheinMain University of Applied
Sciences), Andreas Roth (Lufthansa Systems Passenger Services GmbH)
An Investigation on
the Identification of VoIP traffic: Case Study on Gtalk and Skype
Riyad Alshammari
(Dalhousie University)
Towards a validation
framework for dynamic reconfiguration
Ludi Akue (IRIT,
Paul Sabatier University), Emmanuel Lavinal (IRIT, Paul Sabatier
University), Michelle Sibilla (Paul Sabatier university)
Adaptive Admission
Control of Distributed Cloud Services
Nikolaos Leontiou
(University of Patras), Dimitrios Dechouniotis (University of
Patras), Spyros Denazis (Hitachi Europe & University of Patras)
Confidentiality Risk Assessment and IT-Infrastructure Comparison
Ayse Morali
(University of Twente), Emmanuele Zambon (University of Twente),
Sandro Etalle (Eindhoven Technical University), Roel Wieringa
(University of Twente)
Pinpointing Patch
Impact Test Targets Using Kernel Tracing
Kenji Hori (KDDI R&D
Labs. Inc.), Kiyohito Yoshihara (KDDI R&D Laboratories Inc.)
Towards large-scale
programmable networks: lessons learned through the operation and the
management of a wide-area OpenFlow-based network
Yoshihiko Kanaumi
(National Institute of Information and Communications Technology),
Shuichi Saito (National Institute of Information and Communications
Technology), Eiji Kawai (National Institute of Information and
Communications Technology)
Dynamic Policy
Conflict Analysis for Collaborative Web Services
Zhengping Wu
(University of Bridgeport), Yuanyao Liu (University of Bridgeport)
Composite Service Selection Using Fuzzy Logic
Zhengping Wu
(University of Bridgeport), Mu Yuan (University of Bridgeport)
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Poster Session 4 [Salon A]
Cautious weight
tuning for link-state routing
Anders Gunnar
(SICS), Mikael Johansson (KTH)
Virtual Platform
Support for QoS Management in IMS based Multiple Provider Networks
Muhammad Shoaib
Siddiqui (Kyung Hee University), Choong Seon Hong (Kyung Hee
Rule-based SLA
Management for Revenue Maximisation in Cloud Computing Markets
Mario Macias
(Barcelona Supercomputing Center), Jordi Guitart (Technical
University of Catalonia)
Data Beaming:
Time-Scheduled High-Speed Transfers
Dominik Klein
(University of Wuerzburg), Michael Menth (University of Wuerzburg),
Michael Scharf (Alcatel-Lucent Bell Labs Germany), Michael Söllner
(Alcatel-Lucent Bell Labs Germany), Phuoc Tran-Gia (University of
Wurzburg, Institutute of Computer Science)
Intrinsic Monitoring
within an IPv6 Network: Mapping Node Specific information to Network
Lei Shi (Waterford
Institute of Technology), Alan Davy (Waterford Institute of
Technology), David Muldowney (Waterford Institute of Technology),
Steven Davy (TSSG, Waterford Institute of Technology), Edzard Hoefig
(Fraunhofer FOKUS)
Real Time
Distributed Montioring of Services over IP
Cormac Lullaly
(Athlone IT), Brian Lee (Athlone Institute of Technology), David
Czesak (Athlone Institute of technology)
Difficulties of
identifying application type in backbone traffic
Kensuke Fukuda
(National Insutitute of Informatics)
Personalised Handoff
Decision for Seamless Roaming in Next Generation of Wireless Networks
Lekometsa Mokhesi
(University of Cape Town), Antoine Bagula (University of Cape Town)
Adopting Software
Engineering practices to network processor devices - Introducing the
Domain Specific Modeling paradigm to the ForCES Framework
Evangelos Haleplidis
(University of Patras), Christos Tranoris (University of Patras),
Spyridon Denazis (University of Patras), Odysseas Koufopavlou
(University of Patras)
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Poster Session 5 [Salon A]
Towards Automatic
and Independent Internet Services Configuration
Miguel Lopes
(University of Minho), Bruno Dias (Universidade do Minho)
Seppo Heikkinen
(Tampere University of Technology), Santeri Siltala (Tampere
University of Technology)
evaluation of an architecture for localized IP mobility management
Carmona-Murillo (University of Extremadura), José Luis
González-Sánchez (University of Extremadura), Francisco-Javier
Rodríguez-Perz (University of Extremadura)
Botnet Master
Detection Using a Mashup-based Approach
Rafael Santos
Bezerra (Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul), Carlos Raniery
Paula dos Santos (UFRGS), João Ceron (UFRGS - Universidade Federal
do Rio Grande do Sul), Lisandro Zambenedetti Granville (UFRGS), Liane
Tarouco (UFRGS)
Scheduling Service
Workflows for Cost Optimization in Hybrid Clouds
Luiz Fernando
Bittencourt (UNICAMP), Carlos Senna (Unicamp), Edmundo Madeira
Workflow Management
in Service Oriented Infrastructures
Spyridon Gogouvitis
(National Technical University of Athens)
Dispatch Tooling for
Global Service Delivery
David Loewenstern
(IBM TJ Watson Research Center), Melissa Buco (IBM), Yixin Diao (IBM
Research), Heiko Ludwig (IBM T.J. Watson Research Center),
Christopher Ward (IBM)
Towards Non-expert
Users Monitoring Networks and Services through Semantically Enhanced
Owen Conlan (Trinity
College Dublin), John Keeney (Trinity College Dublin), Cormac Hampson
(Trinity College Dublin), Peter Williams (Trinity College Dublin)
Moving Core Services
to the Edge in NGNs for Reducing Managed Infrastructure Size
Roberto Baldoni
(Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza"), Roberto
Beraldi (University of Rome), Giorgia Lodi (University of Rome),
Marco Platania (University of Rome), Leonardo Querzoni (Università
degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza")
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Poster Session 6 [Salon A]
Scheduling of OSPF Graceful Restarts for Maintenance Purposes
Samir Ghamri-Doudane
(Alcatel-Lucent Bell-Labs France), Laurent Ciavaglia (Alcatel-Lucent)
Infrastructure and Business Processes using Watermarks
Heiko Ludwig (IBM
T.J. Watson Research Center), Kamal Bhattacharya (IBM T.J. Watson
Research Center), Rick Sheftic (IBM), Mike Nidd (IBM), Michael Moser
(IBM Research), Andreas Kind (IBM Research)
Adaptive Context
Monitoring in Heterogeneous Environments
Balakrishnan (Cistech Limited), Amiya Nayak (University of Ottawa)
Evaluating Impact of
Manageability Features on Device Performance
Jacob Leverich
(Stanford University), Vanish Talwar (Hewlett-Packard Labs), Partha
Ranganathan (Hewlett Packard), Christos Kozyrakis (Stanford
Machine Learning
based Call Admission Control Approaches: A Comparative Study
Abul Bashar
(University of Ulster), Gerard Parr (University of Ulster), Sally
McClean (School of Computing and Information Engineering, Faculty of
Engineerning), Bryan Scotney (University of Ulster), Detlef Nauck (BT
Semantic Scheduling
of Active Measurements for meeting Network Monitoring Objectives
Prasad Calyam (Ohio
Supercomputer Center)
A Relay Selection
Algorithm for Cognitive Ad-Hoc Networks
Ali Daneshamnd (AT&T
Labs), Li Yun (ChongQing University of Posts and Telecommunications),
Ruifeng Zhang (Chongqing University of Posts And Telecommunications),
Lijun Tang (College of automation of Chongqing University)
An Automated
Roll-Back Plan to IT Change Management Tool
Denilson Oliveira
(University of Fortaleza), Raimir Holanda (UNIFOR)
A Network Service
Platform Providing Stable QoS Based on Dynamic Allocation of
Distributed Components
Kazuhiko Kinoshita
(Osaka University)