CNSM 2012 Panel
Virtualization and Management Challenges in Large Data Centers
Wednesday, October 24, 2012, 1:30PM - 3:00PM
Prosper Chemouil
graduated from École Centrale de Nantes, France in 1975 and obtained a PhD in control theory in 1978. After a Post-doctoral visit to the University of Manchester (UK) sponsored by Inria, he joined the Centre National d'Études des Télécommunications (CNET) in 1980 where he led the Department on Network Traffic Engineering and Management. He is currently Director of Research Program in the area of Networks and Systems at Orange Labs, R&D Centre of France Telecom - Orange. His interests are with the design and management Future Networks and their impact on network architecture, traffic engineering and quality of service (QoS).
Prosper has been very active on network management and traffic engineering issues in standardization bodies like ITU-T and he is involved in various collaborative projects. He is regularly invited to evaluate research projects in France and abroad. He has organized a number of international conferences and has been invited as guest-editor of Journals.
Prosper Chemouil was awarded the Blondel Medal in 1996 for his contributions on Network Design and Management. He is a fellow of IEEE and a fellow of SEE.
Panel Members:
Dhruba Borthakur is an engineer in the Database Engineering Team at Facebook. He has been one of the lead contributors for the Apache Hadoop Distributed File System. He has been associated with Hadoop since its inception while working for Yahoo. He is instrumental in scaling Facebook's Hadoop cluster to multiples of petabytes. Dhruba also is a contributor to the open source Apache HBase project. Dhruba's current focus is to develop alternative database technologies that can harness the power of Solid State Devices and can scale linearly with the number of CPUs.
Prior to Faceook and Yahoo, he was a Senior Lead Engineer at Veritas Software (since acquired by Symantec) and was responsible for the development of the Veritas SanPointDirect Storage System. Prior to Veritas, he was the Chief Architect at, an e-commerce startup based in Sunnyvale. Before that, he was a Senior Engineer at IBM-Transarc Labs where he contributed to the development of Andrew File System (AFS), a part of IBM's e-commerce initiative, WebSphere. Dhruba has an M.S. in Computer Science from the University of Wisconsin, Madison and a B.S. in Computer Science BITS, Pilani, India. He has 20 issued patents. He is the co-author of multiple academic papers in SIGMOD, NSDI and EuroSys. He hosts a Hadoop blog.
Ajit Sanzgiri is a Principal Engineer in Cisco Systems’ Server, Switching and Virtualization Product Group.
Ajit has worked in the networking industry for seventeen years. His work experience covers routing and switching, wireless networking, application optimization and server virtualization. He holds 10 patents in networking technologies and several more are winding their way through the US patent office.
Ajit has a master’s degree in Mathematics from the State University of New York at Stony Brook.
Ravi Soundararajan is a Principal Engineer at VMware, focusing on cloud infrastructure performance and scalability. His primary research interests are virtualization management and performance debugging. He has been at VMware since 2003, and he remembers when running 10 virtual machines on a host was considered a big accomplishment. He received his SB degree from MIT and his MS and PhD degrees from Stanford, all in Electrical Engineering.
Vanish Talwar is a principal scientist at HP Labs, researching systems software and manageability stacks for next generation data centers. His research interests are in distributed systems, data intensive computing, and energy efficiency. Vanish received his B.Tech degree from the Indian Institute of Technology, BHU, Varanasi, and his MS and PhD from the University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign (UIUC). Vanish is a recipient of the David J Kuck Best Masters Thesis award from the Dept. of Computer Science, UIUC, and has numerous patents and papers including a book on utility computing.