Camera-ready Paper Submission and Conference Registration
1. General Information
Authors of accepted papers must guarantee that their paper will be presented at the conference. Every paper accepted at CNSM 2013 must have an associated registration at the speaker rate. At least one author of each accepted paper must be registered for the conference by the August 19, 2013 author registration deadline in order for that paper to appear in the proceedings and to be scheduled for presentation. For a paper in which all authors are students, one student author must register at the speaker registration rate. For authors presenting multiple papers, one speaker registration is valid for two papers at most. For detailed information on the hotel registration go to the CNSM 2013 Hotel Registration page.
2. Formatting and IEEE Xplore® Compliance
Your accepted paper will appear on IEEE Xplore® — the IEEE Digital Library — and it is important that your submitted PDF file meets the specification for IEEE Xplore®. Failing to submit an IEEE Xplore® compatible PDF file may result in the file not being included in the conference proceedings. Please refer to the IEEE document "Simplified Requirements for Creating PDF Files for IEEE Xplore®" for more information. In order to assure that all submitted PDF files are IEEE Xplore® compliant, your paper must pass both format checks, in IEEE PDFXpress and on EDAS. You must use IEEE PDF eXpress™ to generate or verify an IEEE Xplore® compliant PDF. We strongly recommend that all final submissions be created using the IEEE PDF eXpress™ service. The IEEE PDF eXpress™ service can convert your paper from a wide range of formats to IEEE Xplore®-compatible PDFs. The service is free of charge for CNSM 2013 authors and can be accessed using the following information:
- • Go to the IEEE PDF eXpress™ Login Page
- • Click on the link "New Users - Click Here" and fill in your information. You will need the Conference ID "CNSM2013x"
The following information is intended to guide you on formatting your final paper, ensuring your PDF file is IEEE Xplore® compliant.
2.1 Page Limit
The page limit for regular (full) and workshop papers is eight (8) pages + one (1) page of references and that for short (poster) papers is four (4) pages + one (1) page of references only. Please use the extra page in full papers for addressing the comments of the reviewers, make your figures large enough to be legible, and to comply with all formatting requirements. Please note that it is not possible to purchase extra pages.
2.2 Templates
Please format your final submission using the guidelines provided in IEEE_conf_layout.pdf. The guidelines are implemented in IEEE templates. LaTex authors please verify you are using the following documentclass:
Only in case you are unable to use LaTex, other text processors may be used at your own risk. IEEE provides a template for Word in US-Letter size. Your final submission must follow all IEEE conference formatting requirements (e.g., font sizes, margins, and layout). Thus, check them really carefully.
Margins must be:
- • Top: 0.75 inch = 1.91 cm
- • Left/right: 0.62 inch = 1.58 cm
- • Bottom 1.0 inch = 2.54 cm
Further important requirements:
- • Title is set in 24 pt non-bold
- • Any running headers/footers or page-numbers must be removed
- • Columns should be balanced, i.e. have same length on each page
- • Blue-underlining for URLs and email addresses should be removed
- • Papers must be in US-Letter size. A4 or other sizes are not allowed
Please note that you should prepare the final manuscript with no page numbering.
3. Paper Upload
Before uploading your paper, please:
- • Check that title and abstract in EDAS match your camera-ready paper exactly
- • Please use Title Case for the paper title, i.e. capitalizing all main words
- • Compare all author names in EDAS with the author list in your paper. They must be identical and in the same order
- • Enter all middle names/initials you prefer to use in the paper in the author profile EDAS, as well
- • Ensure that special characters in the paper match the EDAS entry. EDAS supports UTF-8 special characters, such as äïöüßîçñé, etc. for author names
- • Have the PDF checked or created by IEEE PDFXpress; upload the certified file returned from IEEE PDFXpress into EDAS
This is very important because we will be using the information provided in EDAS to generate the final conference program and the table of contents for IEEE Xplore®. Please note that the abstract and title should be readable stand-alone and not contain any references or unexplained acronyms. In case you need to modify the title or the abstract, you can do this through EDAS. Changes to the list of authors, allowed only under exceptional circumstances, have to be approved by TPC chairs. All the camera-ready papers have to be submitted via EDAS by August 19, 2013. You will need your Paper Upload Number from the registration process to be able to upload your paper. EDAS will prevent you from uploading papers that do not comply with formatting checks. Please check all requirements carefully again if that happens. If you believe your paper is compliant and you are still prevented from uploading, please send your PDF eXpress-certified PDF file to the publication chair and ask for advice. Please always put your EDAS paper number in the subject line of email communication.
4. IFIP Copyright Form
Authors are required to transfer the copyright of their accepted papers to IFIP. This has to be done electronically via EDAS. Log onto EDAS and click on the copyright logo (©) of your accepted CNSM and Workshop paper and follow the instructions. Once you finish that process, EDAS will show the type and date of copyright submission on your paper page.
IMPORTANT NOTE: You must upload the camera-ready version of your paper and submit the IEEE copyright form no later than August 19, 2013. If you fail to comply, the paper will not be published in IEEE Xplore®.
Click here to get the IFIP copyright form.
5. Open Access
All paper appearing in CNSM 2013 and collocated Workshops will appear as open access at the date of the conference and will be made available on the CNSM Web site.
6. Poster Presentations
- • There is no template for the posters
- • All posters must fit within an A0 size area (841 × 1189 mm or 33.11 × 46.81 in)
- • Each poster will be assigned to a specific board during the scheduled poster session
- • All poster authors are expected to be personally available during the poster session next to the poster to introduce the work undertaken to the interested audience
- • All posters (to be prepared and printed by the poster authors before the conference) have to be accompanied by a 4 page long paper to be ready for submission in its camera-ready copy according to the guidelines provided above
Author Instructions
Authors are invited to submit original contributions (written in English) in PDF format. Only original papers, not published or submitted for publication elsewhere can be submitted. Papers can be of two types: full or short papers. Submissions will be limited to 8 pages + 1 page of references for full papers and 4 pages + 1 page of references only for short papers, in IEEE 2-column style, for which respective templates are located below. For Short papers all bibliographic references (but only those) may use a fifth page at most following the IEEE formatting guidelines.
Papers exceeding these limits, multiple submissions, and self-plagiarized papers will be rejected without further review.
CNSM 2013 papers will require the submission of a fully filled-in and signed IFIP copyright form upon handing-in the camera-ready papers in case of accepted papers.
LaTeX Template | Word Template | FrameMaker Template |
*.zip | *.doc | *.fm |
Paper Registration and Submission via EDAS
Please visit the EDAS conference management system to register and submit your paper.
Instructions for Submitting via EDAS
You can find the authors instructions in EDAS: Editor's Assistant - Instructions for Authors.