Timetabled Sessions

Please download the CNSM PDF timetable here:

Monday, October 28 9:00 - 10:30

Mini-conference session 1

IoT, Device Identification, and Security
Room 217 Willenbergův sál
Spotting the Hook: Leveraging Domain Data for Advanced Phishing Detection
Radek Hranicky, Adam Horák, Jan Polišenský, Ondřej Ondryáš, Kamil Jeřábek and Ondrej Rysavy (Brno University of Technology, Czech Republic)
Big Brother is Watching You: Non-Intrusive ZigBee User Profiling
Katharina O. E. Müller and Delia Datsomor (University of Zurich, Switzerland); Daria Schumm (University of Zürich, Switzerland); Bruno Rodrigues (University of St. Gallen, Switzerland); Burkhard Stiller (University of Zürich, Switzerland)
Improving Fault Device Identification Method using Alarm Clustering Approach
Yoichi Matsuo and Yuichi Suto (NTT, Japan); Yusuke Makino (NTT Corporation, Japan); Kazumichi Sato (NTT, Japan)
Analyzing Privacy Implications of Mobile Apps Data Collection across Age Groups
Adamo Mariani and Matteo Liberato (University of Twente, The Netherlands); Anna Sperotto (Twente University, The Netherlands); Antonia Affinito (University Twente, The Netherlands)
Addressing Data Security in IoT: Minimum Sample Size and Denoising Diffusion Models for Improved Malware Detection
Chiara Camerota (Università degli Studi di Firenze, Italy); Lorenzo Pappone (Saint Louis University, USA); Tommaso Pecorella (Università degli Studi di Firenze, Italy); Flavio Esposito (Saint Louis University, USA)

Monday, October 28 9:00 - 10:00

AnServApp: Workshop Introduction and Keynote

Room 319 Křižíkův sál


ML for Network & Service Management: Experiences, lessons learned, challenges and moving forward.
Noura Limam, University of Waterloo, Canada

Monday, October 28 9:00 - 10:30

NeSecOr: Introduction and Short Papers

Room 318

Resilmesh Project Introduction by Martin Husák, Masaryk University, Czech Republic

ResilMesh is an Innovation Action project funded by the European Union, dedicated to revolutionizing cybersecurity practices. At its core, ResilMesh endeavors to develop a cutting-edge security orchestration and analytics toolset grounded in cyber situational awareness (CSA). This initiative aims to equip organizations with the capabilities needed for real-time defense of essential business functions in an era marked by dispersed, heterogeneous cyber systems.

Lateral Movement Identification in Cross-Cloud Deployment
Kokthay Poeng (University of Namur, Belgium); Laurent Schumacher (UNamur, Belgium)
URL Evaluator: Semi-automatic evaluation of suspicious URLs from honeypots
Michaela Novotná (Brno University of Technology, Czech Republic); Václav Bartoš (CESNET, Czech Republic)

Monday, October 28 9:00 - 10:30

NDT4IN: Session 1

Room 315
DTN-Core: Towards a framework for designing and operating digital twin networks
Majd Latah and Mathias Fischer (Universität Hamburg, Germany)
Exploiting The Efficient Data Modeling in Network Digital Twin To Empower Edge-Cloud Continuum
Syed Mohsan Raza (Telecom SudParis University & Institut Polytechnique de Paris, France); Roberto Minerva (IMT-TSP & Telecom Sud Paris, France); Noel Crespi (Institut Mines-Télécom, Télécom SudParis, France); Maira Alvi (Telecom SudParis, Institut Polytechnique de Paris, France); Manoj Herath (Telecom SudParis, France); Hrishikesh Dutta (Michigan State University, USA)
Challenges of Event-based Streaming and Queuing as Data Exchange for Network Digital Twins
Sebastian Rieger, Leon-Niklas Lux, Sven Schickentanz, David Hermann, Thomas Mott and Moritz Freund (Fulda University of Applied Sciences, Germany)
Addressing the Scalability of Network Digital Twins: A Network Sampling Approach
Mounir Kellil, Siwar Ben Hadj Said and Minh-thuyen Thi (CEA LIST, France); Christophe Janneteau (CEA, LIST, Communicating Systems Laboratory, France); Alexis Olivereau (CEA, LIST, France)

Keynote 1

Network Digital Twins in European and national projects
Chrysa Papagianni (University of Amsterdam)

Monday, October 28 10:00 - 10:30

AnServApp: Core Network Autoscaling

Room 319 Křižíkův sál
Safe RL for Core Network autoscaling
Xinqi Long (China); Guillaume Fraysse (Orange, France)

Monday, October 28 11:00 - 12:30

Mini-conference session 2

Network Performance and Optimization
Room 217 Willenbergův sál
Per-CCA Queueing
Yara Mulla (Technion & Nvidia, Israel); Isaac Keslassy (Technion, Israel)
Parameterizing 5G New Radio: A Comparative Measurement Study on Throughput and Delay
Simon Raffeck (University of Wuerzburg, Germany); Sebastian G Grøsvik (Norwegian University of Science and Technology & NORCICS, Norway); Stanislav Lange (NTNU, Norway); Tobias Hoßfeld (University of Würzburg, Germany); Thomas Zinner (NTNU, Norway); Stefan Geissler (University of Wuerzburg, Germany)
Efficient Distributed Learning Over Lossy Wireless Networks
Emilio Paolini (Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna, Italy); Andrea Pinto (Saint Louis University, USA); Luca Valcarenghi (Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna, Italy); Nicola Andriolli (University of Pisa, Italy); Luca Maggiani (SmaRTy Italia SRL, Italy); Flavio Esposito (Saint Louis University, USA)
Mitigating Measurement Failures in Throughput Performance Forecasting
Maria Ferreira, Silvio Ribeiro, Francisco Nobre and Maria Linhares (State University of Ceará (UECE), Brazil); Thelmo P. de Araujo (State University of Ceará, Brazil); Rafael L. Gomes (State University of Ceará (UECE) & University of Campinas (UNICAMP), Brazil)
Minimizing Power Consumption under SINR Constraints for Cell-Free Massive MIMO in O-RAN
Vaishnavi Kasuluru (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya & Centre Tecnològic Telecomunicacions Catalunya, Germany); Luis Blanco (Centre Tecnològic de les Telecommunicacions de Catalunya (CTTC), Spain); Miguel Ángel Vazquez, Cristian Jesús Vaca Rubio and Engin Zeydan (CTTC, Spain)

Monday, October 28 11:00 - 12:30

AnServApp: AI-Powered Network Applications and AI-Driven Network Configuration

Room 319 Křižíkův sál
Improving Real-Time Anomaly Detection using Multiple Instances of Micro-Cluster Detection
Rafael N Copstein, Nur Zincir-Heywood and M. I. Heywood (Dalhousie University, Canada)
Task Completion Time Prediction Scaled by Machine Learning Model Uncertainty
Shumpei Kawaguchi, Yuichi Ohsita, Masahisa Kawashima and Hideyuki Shimonishi (Osaka University, Japan)
Automation of Network Configuration Generation using Large Language Models
Supratim Chakraborty (Indian Institute of Science, India & Cisco Systems Inc., India); Nithin Chitta (Cisco Systems Inc., India); Rajesh Sundaresan (Indian Institute of Science, India)
Generating Commit Messages for Configuration Files in 5G Network Deployment Using LLMs
Beining Yang (orange innovation france); Alassane Samba (Orange Innovation, France); Guillaume Fraysse (Orange, France); Sihem Cherrared (Orange Labs France, France)

Monday, October 28 11:00 - 12:30

NeSecOr: Keynote

Room 318

AI-based networks and network management from Cisco under the hood

Keynote by Martin Diviš and Dominik Soukup, Cisco, Czech Republic

Computer networks have to be flexible enough to connect, monitor, and secure everything we need. Over the past decades, we have phased several trends that added more demands on computer networks and AI is not an exception. AI brings demand for more powerful computational resources that must be interconnected and provides a great opportunity for higher intelligence based on the huge amount of data samples we are getting. During this talk we will demonstrate how Cisco is building and segment networks for AI era, how we use AI methods in network management solutions and why Splunk is now part of Cisco family.

Monday, October 28 11:00 - 12:30

NDT4IN: Session 2

Room 315
Securing Industrial Systems: A Testbed for Cyber-Defense Evaluation and Data Collection
Raffaele Cuorvo (University of Naples Federico II, Italy); Nicola d'Ambrosio (University of Napoli Federico II, Italy); Domenico Iorio (University of Naples Federico II, Italy); Gaetano Perrone and Simon Pietro Romano (University of Napoli Federico II, Italy)
Real Time Reconstruction of Radio Environment Maps in Indoor Millimeter-Wave Beamforming with Beam Changes
Takumi Bushi, Kenji Ohira and Hideyuki Shimonishi (Osaka University, Japan); Toshiro Nakahira (Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation, Japan); Shoko Shinohara and Yusuke Asai (NTT Corporation, Japan)

Keynote 2

An operator's perspective on Network Digital Twins
Thierry Coupaye (Orange, Head of Research on Augmented Operation)

Keynote 3

A vendor's perspective on Network Digital Twins
Lieven Levrau (Nokia, Senior Director of Product Strategy)

Keynote 4

Industry and standardization for Network Digital Twins: the IOWN GF example
Flavio Cirillo (NEC Laboratories Europe, Senior Researcher)

Monday, October 28 14:00 - 15:30

Mini-conference session 3

Data-Driven Methods and Machine Learning in Networking
Room 217 Willenbergův sál
Functional Linear Regression for the prediction of streaming video QoE
Jean Steve Tamo Tchomgui (Orange Labs & Université de Lyon 2, France); Vincent Barriac and Guillaume Fraysse (Orange, France); Julien Jacques and Stephane Chretien (Université de Lyon 2, France)
IoT Device and State Identification based on Usage Patterns
Jeffrey A Adjei and Nur Zincir-Heywood (Dalhousie University, Canada); Biswajit Nandy (Solana Networks & Carleton University, Canada); Nabil Seddigh (Solana Networks, Canada)
CRDT Web Caching: Enabling Distributed Writes and Fast Cache Consistency for REST APIs
Markus Sosnowski (Technical University of Munich, Germany); Richard von Seck (Technische Universität München, Germany); Florian Wiedner (Technical University of Munich, Germany); Georg Carle (Technische Universität München, Germany)
OSR: Advancing Multi-Hop Routing for LoRaWAN Mesh Networks in Maritime Scenarios
Elgharbi Salah Eddine (La Rochelle University, France & CESI Engineering School, France); Mauricio Iturralde and Yohan Dupuis (CESI LINEACT UR7527, France); Alain Gaugue (La Rochelle University, France)
Certainly Uncertain: Demystifying ML Uncertainty for Active Learning in Network Monitoring Tasks
Katharina Dietz (University of Würzburg, Germany); Mehrdad Hajizadeh (Technical University of Chemnitz, Germany); Nikolas Wehner (University of Würzburg, Germany); Stefan Geissler (University of Wuerzburg, Germany); Pedro Casas (Austrian Institute of Technology (AIT), Austria); Michael Seufert (University of Augsburg, Germany); Tobias Hoßfeld (University of Würzburg, Germany)

Monday, October 28 14:00 - 15:30

AnServApp: Smart Systems and Future Directions in Network Technologies

Room 319 Křižíkův sál
Uncovering Common AI Challenges Across Industrial Domains in the Transition to Industry 5.0
Ruba ALmahasneh (Budapest University for Technology and Economics & Telecommunication and Media Informatics, Hungary); Gergely Hollósi, Daniel Ficzere, Máté Bancsics, Csaba Lukovszki and Pál Varga (Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Hungary)
Smart City Digital Twins: A Modular and Adaptive Architecture for Real-Time Data-Driven Urban Management
Manoj Herath (Telecom SudParis, France); Maira Alvi (Telecom SudParis, Institut Polytechnique de Paris, France); Roberto Minerva (IMT-TSP & Telecom Sud Paris, France); Hrishikesh Dutta (Michigan State University, USA); Noel Crespi (Institut Mines-Télécom, Télécom SudParis, France); Syed Mohsan Raza (Telecom SudParis University & Institut Polytechnique de Paris, France)
Evaluating the Robustness of ADVENT on the VeReMi-Extension Dataset
Hamideh Baharlouei (Dalhousie University, Canada); Adetokunbo Makanju (New York Institute of Technology, Canada); Nur Zincir-Heywood (Dalhousie University, Canada)
Link2Link: A Robust Probabilistic Routing Algorithm via Edge-centric Graph Reinforcement Learning
Jingli Zhou, Yuqian Song, Xinyuan Li, Wenli Zhou and Jun Liu (Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, China)

Monday, October 28 14:00 - 15:30

NeSecOr: Network Security Management

Room 318
Automating Network Perimeter Threat Prevention for Decentralized Network Administration
Nikolas Wintering, Eric Lanfer and Nils Aschenbruck (Osnabrück University, Germany)
Cyber Situational Awareness in Vehicle Security Operations: Holistic Monitoring and a Data Model
Daniel Grimm and Moritz Zink (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany); Marc Schindewolf (KIT, Germany); Eric Sax (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany)
Blockchain-Based Self-Sovereign Identity in 6G Non-Public Networks: Enhanced Security in Industrial Cyber-Physical Systems
Abdullah Aydeger (Florida Institute of Technology, USA); Engin Zeydan (CTTC, Spain)
5GaaS: DLT and Smart Contract-Based Network Slice Management in a Decentralized Marketplace
Kurdman Abdulrahman Rasol and Alfonso Egio (Fundació i2CAT, Internet i Innovació Digital a Catalunya, Spain); Miguel Catalan-Cid (i2CAT Foundation, Spain); Leonardo Lossi (NeXtworks, Italy); Hélio Simeão (Ubiwhere, Portugal); Muhammad Shuaib Siddiqui (Fundació i2CAT, Internet i Innovació Digital a Catalunya, Spain)

Monday, October 28 14:00 - 14:30

IWNC: Keynote

Room 315


INC for Immersive Applications in 6G: The Case of Holographic Telepresence
Roch Glitho (Concordia Institute for Information Systems Engineering)

Monday, October 28 14:00 - 15:30

PhD Workshop session 1

Room 220

Monday, October 28 14:30 - 15:30

IWNC: Session 1

Room 315
Adaptive 360° Video Streaming over a Federated 6G Network: Experimenting In-Network Computing for Enhanced User Experience
Andrea Caruso, Giovanni Schembra and Christian Grasso (University of Catania, Italy); Juan Brenes, Pietro Giardina and Giada Landi (Nextworks, Italy); Leonardo Lossi (NeXtworks, Italy); Gabriele Scivoletto (Nextworks, Italy)
An Ontology-Based Model for In-Network Computing Components Description and Discovery
Zarin Tasnim (Concordia University, Canada); Mouhamad Dieye (Université du Québec à Montréal, Canada); Felipe Estrada-Solano (Concordia University, Canada & Fundación Universitaria de Popayán, Colombia); Roch Glitho (Concordia University, Canada); Halima Elbiaze (University of Quebec at Montreal, Canada); Wessam Ajib (Université du Québec à Montréal, Canada)

Monday, October 28 16:00 - 17:50

Mini-conference session 4

Software-Defined Networking and Cloud Computing
Room 217 Willenbergův sál
A Practical Network Digital Twin for IGP Weight Optimization
Mohamed Zalat and Maede Davoudzade (Carleton University, Canada); Chris Barber (Ciena, Canada); David Krauss (Visionary Technologies, Inc., USA); Babak Esfandiari and Thomas Kunz (Carleton University, Canada)
Applicability of Hardware-Supported Containers in Low-Latency Networking
Alexander Daichendt, Florian Wiedner and Jonas Andre (Technical University of Munich, Germany); Georg Carle (Technische Universität München, Germany)
Lowcaf: A Low-Code Protocol Analysis Framework
Alexander Frank, Michael Steinke and Wolfgang F. Hommel (University of the Bundeswehr Munich, Germany)
Budget-Aware Resource Pricing in Cloud and Edge Computing Continuum
Akram Boutouchent and Karim Boutiba (EURECOM, France); Adlen Ksentini (Eurecom, France)
On-the-fly Table Insertions on Programmable Software Data Planes
Manuel Simon, Sebastian Gallenmüller and Georg Carle (Technical University of Munich, Germany)
Coordinated Sampling in SDNs with Dynamic Flow Rates
Soroosh Esmaeilian (University of Calgary, Canada); Mahdi Dolati (Sharif University of Technology, Iran); Sogand Sadrhaghighi (Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd, Canada); Majid Ghaderi (University of Calgary, Canada)

Monday, October 28 16:00 - 17:30

AnServApp: Short papers and concluding panel

Room 319 Křižíkův sál
Future Directions on Enhanced Positioning Services with Predictions for Smart Factories
Elham Dehghan Biyar and Ahmet Cihat Baktir (Ericsson, Turkey); Deniz Cokuslu (Ericsson Research, Turkey); Mehmet Yunus Dönmez (Ericsson Research & Bogazici University, Turkey)
EdgeVerse: Multi-User Virtual Reality via Edge Computing and eBPF
Okwudilichukwu Okafor and Flavio Esposito (Saint Louis University, USA); Tommaso Pecorella (Università degli Studi di Firenze, Italy)
Green Network Traffic Engineering Using Segment Routing: an Experiment Report
Jacob Van Groningen and Chung-Horng Lung (Carleton University, Canada)


Monday, October 28 16:00 - 17:30

NeSecOr: Machine Learning and Intrusion Detection

Room 318
Enhancing Adversarial Robustness of Anomaly Detection-Based IDS in OT Environments
Andreas Flatscher and Branka Stojanovic (Joanneum Reserach, Austria); Ozan Özdenizci (Montanuniversität Leoben, Austria)
A Novel Malicious Intent Detection Approach in Intent-Based Enterprise Networks
Federica De Trizio (Politecnico di Bari, Italy); Giancarlo Sciddurlo (Politecnico di Bari & CNIT, Italy); Dominga Rutigliano, Giuseppe Piro and Gennaro Boggia (Politecnico di Bari, Italy)
Agree to Disagree: Exploring Consensus of XAI Methods for ML-based NIDS
Katharina Dietz (University of Würzburg, Germany); Mehrdad Hajizadeh (Technical University of Chemnitz, Germany); Johannes Schleicher (University of Augsburg, Germany); Nikolas Wehner (University of Würzburg, Germany); Stefan Geissler (University of Wuerzburg, Germany); Pedro Casas (Austrian Institute of Technology (AIT), Austria); Michael Seufert (University of Augsburg, Germany); Tobias Hoßfeld (University of Würzburg, Germany)
Machine Learning in Intrusion Detection: An Operational Perspective
Martin Husák (Masaryk University, Czech Republic); Darshan Manoj (University of Southern California, USA); Priyanka Kumar (The University of Texas Permian Basin, USA)

Monday, October 28 16:00 - 17:30

IWNC: Session 2

Room 315
Indoor Radio Dot Placement Optimization using UE Positioning and K-Means Clustering
Johe Bousfield, Chung-Horng Lung and Betty Liu (Carleton University, Canada); Aroosh Elahi (Ericsson, Canada)
The intrinsic convenience of federated learning in malware IoT detection
Chiara Camerota and Tommaso Pecorella (Università degli Studi di Firenze, Italy); Andrew Bagdanov (Università Degli Studi di Firenze, Italy)
QoE for Interactive Services in 5G Networks: Data-driven Analysis and ML-based Prediction
Stefania Zinno (University Federico II of Naples, Italy); Giuseppe Caso (Karlstad University, Sweden); Nicola Pasquino (University of Naples Federico II, Italy); Alessio Botta (University of Napoli Federico II, Italy); Anna Brunstrom (Karlstad University, Sweden & University of Malaga, Spain); Giorgio Ventre (University of Naples Federico II, Italy)

Monday, October 28 16:00 - 17:30

PhD Workshop session 2

Room 220

Tuesday, October 29 9:00 - 10:30

Grand opening + Keynote session 1

AI can help improve network security. From better attacks to better defenses.
Sebastian Garcia
Room 217 Willenbergův sál

For many years machine learning help optimized resources in network management. It then help to better plan network topologies, bandwidth control, BGP routes, and finally security. Although security defenses is implemented in servers and devices, much of the attacks are simulated and conducted in the network. With the advent of LLMs much technology was dedicated to better explain, to better understand and validate routers configurations, graph analysis, and lately to help the incident responders. However, in security LLMs have a much needed role: to produce better attacks, to produce better detections and to produce better humans.

Tuesday, October 29 11:00 - 12:30

Full paper session 1

Traffic Monitoring and Data Analysis
Room 217 Willenbergův sál
ResCue: Inferring Fine-Grained Traffic Matrices via Distributed Deep Residual Networks
Lorenzo Pappone (Saint Louis University, USA); Cristian Zilli and Alessio Sacco (Politecnico di Torino, Italy); Flavio Esposito (Saint Louis University, USA)
T-MAW: Online Network Traffic Monitoring and Analysis using Weighted Stochastic Block Models
Maximilian Stephan, Johannes Zerwas and Wolfgang Kellerer (Technische Universität München, Germany)
NetGlyph: Representation Learning to generate Network Traffic with Transformers
Gabin Noblet (LAAS-CNRS, France & Custocy, France); Cédric Lefebvre (Custocy, France); Philippe Owezarski (LAAS-CNRS, France); William Ritchie (Custocy, France)

Tuesday, October 29 14:00 - 15:30

Full paper session 2

Wireless Networks and Mobility Management
Room 217 Willenbergův sál
Mobility Management for Computation-Intensive Tasks in Cellular Networks with SD-RAN
Anna Prado, Zifan Ding and Fidan Mehmeti (Technical University of Munich, Germany); Wolfgang Kellerer (Technische Universität München, Germany)
Throughput-Constrained Antenna Sleep Management for Saving Power
Rie Tagyo, Hideaki Kinsho, Akihiro Shiozu and Kazuhisa Yamagishi (NTT, Japan)
Signalling Load-aware Conditional Handover in 5G Non-Terrestrial Networks
Bohan Zhang and Mohammad Ali Salahuddin (University of Waterloo, Canada); Peng Hu (University of Manitoba, Canada); Yunli Wang (National Research Council Canada, Canada); Noura Limam, Bo Sun, Diogo Barradas and Raouf Boutaba (University of Waterloo, Canada)

Tuesday, October 29 16:00 - 17:30

Full paper session 3

Network Performance and Optimization Techniques
Room 217 Willenbergův sál
Multi-Tenant Programmable Switch Virtualization Leveraging Explicit Resource Sharing
Ivan P Lamb (UFRGS, Brazil); Pedro Arthur Pinheiro Rosa Duarte (Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil); Marcelo Caggiani Luizelli (Federal University of Pampa, Brazil); Luciano Paschoal Gaspary (Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil); Jose Rodrigo Azambuja (Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil); Weverton Luis da Costa Cordeiro (Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil)
Optimizing Data Center Network Performance: A Comprehensive Analysis of Speed Testing, Caching, and Network Coding in Software Defined Networking
Souryendu Das, Jacob Adamson, Aaron Lee, Vedant Vaideswar and Stavros Kalafatis (Texas A&M University, USA)
Synchronization Control-Plane Protocol for Quantum Link Layer
Brandon Ru, Winston K. G. Seah and Alvin C Valera (Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand)

Wednesday, October 30 9:00 - 10:30

Poster pitches 1 + Keynote session 2

Climbing up the OSI layers and beyond to catch the criminals.
Martin Rehak
Room 217 Willenbergův sál

We believe that using AI to catch criminals is fundamentally different from other AI applications due to a unique combination of constraints, e.g. data privacy, compliance, explainability, class imbalance and first and foremost the fact that we are engaging with an intelligent and evasive adversary. We will share the experience gathered along our journey at Czech Technical University, Cognitive Security, Cisco and Resistant AI, where we have deployed machine learning methods to catch criminals across many domains. Starting with network traffic, progressing through web proxy logs and encrypted traffic to combination of all of the above with large-scale malware analysis. We are now focusing on digital fraud and financial crime detection at Resistant AI. During our talk, we will present 10 hypothesis we have validated across many years and domains.

Wednesday, October 30 11:00 - 12:30

Full paper session 4

Resource Allocation and Optimization in Next-Gen Networks
Room 217 Willenbergův sál
Optimizing and Managing Wireless Backhaul for Resilient Next-Generation Cellular Networks
Gabriele Gemmi, Michele Polese and Tommaso Melodia (Northeastern University, USA); Leonardo Maccari (University of Venice, Italy)
Multi-Objective Scheduling and Resource Allocation of Kubernetes Replicas Across the Compute Continuum
Nicola Di Cicco (Politecnico di Milano, Italy); Filippo Poltronieri (University of Ferrara, Italy); José Santos (Ghent University - Imec, Belgium); Mattia Zaccarini, Mauro Tortonesi and Cesare Stefanelli (University of Ferrara, Italy); Filip De Turck (Ghent University - imec, Belgium)
Centralized vs. Decentralized: A Hybrid Performance Model of the TSN Resource Allocation Protocol
David Raunecker (Universität Würzburg, Germany); Stefan Geissler and Alexej Grigorjew (University of Wuerzburg, Germany); Philip Diederich (Technical University of Munich, Germany); Wolfgang Kellerer (Technische Universität München, Germany); Tobias Hoßfeld (University of Würzburg, Germany)

Wednesday, October 30 12:30 - 14:00

Poster session 1

Room: Hallway (2nd floor)
High Complexity and Bad Quality? Efficiency Assessment for Video QoE Prediction Approaches
Frank Loh (University of Wuerzburg, Germany); Gulnaziye Bingol (University of Cagliari, Italy); Reza Farahani (University of Klagenfurt, Austria); Andrea Pimpinella (University of Bergamo, Italy); Radu Prodan (University of Klagenfurt, Austria); Luigi Atzori (University of Cagliari, Italy); Tobias Hoßfeld (University of Würzburg, Germany)
Finding Key Nodes in Complex Networks via Deep Reinforcement Learning and Multi Attention Node Connectivity
Kaili Wang, Wu Muqing and Min Zhao (Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, China)
Using Knowledge Graphs to Automate Network Compliance of Containerized Services
Aleksandra Simić and David Palma (NTNU, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway)
EdgeRL: Reinforcement Learning-driven Deep Learning Model Inference Optimization at Edge
Motahare Mounesan (The Graduate Center, CUNY, USA); Xiaojie Zhang (Hunan First Normal University & City University of New York, USA); Saptarshi Debroy (City University of New York & Hunter Colege, USA)
DL3: Adaptive Load Balancing for Latency-critical Edge Cloud Applications
Prashanth P S (Indian Institute of Technology Hyderabad, India); Ranjitha K (Indian Institute of Technology, India); Ankit Sharma (IIT Hyderabad, India); Arjun Temura and Rinku Shah (Indraprastha Institute of Information Technology Delhi, India); Praveen Tammana (IIT Hyderabad, India)
Causal AI for XRPL/GossipSub network configuration
Flaviene Scheidt de Cristo, Jean-Philippe Eisenbarth, Jorge Meira and Radu State (University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg)
Early Detection of Network Service Degradation: An Intra-Flow Approach
Balint Bicski and Adrian Pekar (Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Hungary)
Admission Control and Embedding of Network Slices with Flexible VNF Order
Quang-Trung Luu and Minh-Thanh Nguyen (Hanoi University of Science and Technology, Vietnam); Nguyen Tai Hung (Hanoi University of Technology, Vietnam); Michel Kieffer (CentraleSupelec, France); Dinh Nguyen (VinUniversity, Vietnam); Quang-Lap Luu and Trung-Toan Nguyen (Hanoi University of Science and Technology, Vietnam)
MFWDD: Model-based Feature Weight Drift Detection Showcased on TLS and QUIC Traffic
Lukáš Jančička (Czech Technical University in Prague, FIT, Czech Republic); Dominik Soukup (CESNET z.s.p.o., Czech Republic); Josef Koumar (Fakulta informacnich technologii Ceske vysoke uceni technicke v Praze, Czech Republic); Filip Němec (Czech Technical University in Prague, Czech Republic); Tomas Cejka (CESNET z. s. p. o. & CTU in Prague, FIT, Czech Republic)

Wednesday, October 30 12:30 - 14:00

Poster Session 1b

Room: Hallway (2nd floor)
Impact of Time-Varying Traffic Type on the Performance of Multilayer Networks
Aleksandra Knapińska (Wroclaw University of Science and Technology, Poland); Piotr Lechowicz (Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden); Krzysztof Walkowiak (Wroclaw University of Science and Technology, Poland)
WIF: Efficient Library for Network Traffic Analysis
Richard Plný (CESNET z.s.p.o., Czech Republic); Karel Hynek and Pavel Šiška (CESNET, Czech Republic)

Wednesday, October 30 14:00 - 15:30

Full paper session 5

AI and Machine Learning in Network Management
Room 217 Willenbergův sál
Reinforcement Learning-Driven Service Placement in 6G Networks across the Compute Continuum
Andres Felipe Ocampo Palacio (Simula Metropolitan Centre for Digital Engineering, Norway); José Santos (Ghent University - Imec, Belgium)
ChronosGuard: A Hierarchical Machine Learning Intrusion Detection System for Modern Clouds
Miel Verkerken and José Santos (Ghent University - Imec, Belgium); Laurens D'hooge (Ghent University - imec, Belgium); Tim Wauters (Ghent University - Imec, Belgium); Bruno Volckaert (Ghent University-Imec, Belgium); Filip De Turck (Ghent University - imec, Belgium)
Generative AI for low-level NETCONF configuration in network management based on YANG models
Gergely Hollósi, Daniel Ficzere and Pál Varga (Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Hungary)

Wednesday, October 30 16:00 - 17:30

Demo session 1

Room 217 Willenbergův sál
ThreatFinderAI: Automated Threat Modeling Applied to LLM System Integration
Jan von der Assen (University of Zurich UZH, Switzerland); Alberto Huertas Celdrán (University of Zürich UZH, Switzerland & University of Murcia, Spain); Jamo Sharif (University of Zürich, Switzerland); Chao Feng (University of Zurich, Switzerland); Gérôme Bovet (Armasuisse, Switzerland); Burkhard Stiller (University of Zürich, Switzerland)
Network Digital Twin for IGP Weight Optimization Demo
Mohamed Zalat and Maede Davoudzade (Carleton University, Canada); Chris Barber (Ciena, Canada); David Krauss (Visionary Technologies, Inc., USA); Babak Esfandiari and Thomas Kunz (Carleton University, Canada)
Demonstration of Automation of Network Configuration Generation using Generative AI
Supratim Chakraborty (Indian Institute of Science, India & Cisco Systems Inc., India); Nithin Chitta (Cisco Systems Inc., India); Rajesh Sundaresan (Indian Institute of Science, India)
Enabling Quality-on-Demand and Service Differentiation on a Novel Network-as-a-Service Platform Using Slicing Technology for Control and Management of Optical Networks
Hesam Rahimi (Huawei Technologies, Canada); Lluis Gifre Renom and Ricard Vilalta (CTTC, Spain); Raul Muñoz (Centre Tecnològic de Telecomunicacions de Catalunya (CTTC/CERCA), Spain); Henry Yu (Huawei Technologies Canada, Canada); Yanpeng Wang and Ruilin Cai (Huawei Technologies, Canada); Christopher Janz (Huawei Technologies Canada, Canada)
Real-Time Demonstration of Low-Latency Video Delivery via Hybrid Unicast-Broadcast Networks
Casper Haems (Ghent University & Imec, Belgium); Jeroen van der Hooft (Ghent University - imec, Belgium); Hannes Mareen (Ghent University - Imec & IDLab, Belgium); Peter Steenkiste (Carnegie Mellon University, USA); Glenn Van Wallendael and Tim Wauters (Ghent University - Imec, Belgium); Filip De Turck (Ghent University - imec, Belgium)
The Evolution of the CRUSOE Toolset: Enhancing Decision Support in Network Security Management
Martin Husák, Lukáš Sadlek, Martin Hesko, Vít Šebela and Stanislav Špaček (Masaryk University, Czech Republic)
P4-MTAGG - a Framework for Multi-Tenant P4 Network Devices
Fabian Brisch (Deggendorf Institute of Technology, Germany); Andreas J. Kassler (Deggendorf Institute of Technology (DIT) & Karlstad University, Sweden); Sándor Laki and Péter Hudoba (Eötvös Loránd University, Hungary)
NAPlr: Multi-Gigabit Internet Access Profiling in Web Browser
Péter Orosz, Tamas Marosits and Tamas Skopko (Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Hungary)
Assessing Application-Level Network Neutrality Using Digital Twins
Péter Orosz, Tamas Marosits and Tamas Skopko (Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Hungary)
Integrating Deterministic Networking with 5G
Yash Deshpande and Philip Diederich (Technical University of Munich, Germany); Muhamad Luthfi (Technische Universität München, Germany & Pusat Mikroelektronika Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia); Laura Becker (Technical University of Munich, Germany); José E Fontalvo-Hernández (Siemens AG & Chemnitz University of Technology, Germany); Wolfgang Kellerer (Technische Universität München, Germany)

Thursday, October 31 9:00 - 10:30

Poster pitches 2 + Keynote session 3

Chasing the Finish Line: The Journey Towards Low Latency, High Throughput AI/ML for Management Using Programmable Networks.
Luciano Paschoal Gaspary
Room 217 Willenbergův sál

Recent years have seen remarkable advancements in Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML), leading to their widespread adoption across various sectors of society. The field of communication networks is no exception to this trend. As a research community, we are actively exploring innovative strategies that leverage AI/ML techniques to address long-standing or emerging problems such as traffic classification, network diagnosis, and intent-based networking. In this context, programmable networks have emerged as a promising framework for executing low-latency, high-throughput AI/ML computations. In this talk, we will examine the synergistic relationship between AI/ML and network programmability in addressing operation and management challenges. We will explore the progress we have made, the lessons we have learned, and the obstacles we face in developing novel AI/ML-enabled management solutions within programmable networks. Additionally, we will highlight ongoing initiatives and identify opportunities for collaboration within our community to further advance this field.

Thursday, October 31 11:00 - 12:30

Full paper session 6

Network Security and Intrusion Detection
Room 217 Willenbergův sál
Glossy Mirrors: On the Role of Open Resolvers in Reflection and Amplification DDoS Attacks
Ramin Yazdani (University of Twente, The Netherlands); Max Resing (NETSCOUT & University of Twente, The Netherlands); Anna Sperotto (Twente University, The Netherlands)
5GProvGen: 5G Provenance Dataset Generation Framework
Amr Abouelkhair, Kiarash Majdi, Noura Limam, Mohammad Ali Salahuddin and Raouf Boutaba (University of Waterloo, Canada)
ID-INT: Secure Inter-Domain In-Band Telemetry
Lars-Christian Schulz and David Hausheer (OVGU Magdeburg, Germany)

Thursday, October 31 12:30 - 14:00

Poster session 2

Room: Hallway (2nd floor)
QoE Models for Virtual Reality Cloud-based First Person Shooter Game over Mobile Networks
Henrique Souza Rossi (Lulea University of Technology, Sweden); Karan Mitra (Luleå University of Technology, Sweden); Christer Åhlund (Lulea University of Technology, Sweden); Irina Cotanis (Infovista, Sweden)
Resource-Efficient Implementation of Multiple Concurrent Tree-Based Models in P4 Switches using Feature Sharing
Oleg Karandin (Politecnico di Milano, Italy); Aleix Lahoz (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Spain); Nicola Di Cicco and Francesco Musumeci (Politecnico di Milano, Italy); Massimo Tornatore (Politecnico di Milano & University of California, Davis, Italy)
Feature Name Decoration Enhanced Router Performance Prediction by a Large Language Model
Kyota Hattori (Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation, Japan); Tomohiro Korikawa and Chikako Takasaki (NTT, Japan)
Hierarchical Modeling of Cyber Assets in Kill Chain Attack Graphs
Lukáš Sadlek, Martin Husák and Pavel Celeda (Masaryk University, Czech Republic)
Quantized In-band Network Telemetry for Low Bandwidth Overhead Monitoring
Chanbin Bae (Korea University, Korea (South)); Kyeongtak Lee (System Design Group, Samsung Electronics, Korea (South)); Heewon Kim, Seongyeon Yoon, Junkyu Hong and Sangheon Pack (Korea University, Korea (South)); DongJin Lee (SK Telecom, Korea (South))
Uncovering Secrets of Microbursts in Datacenter Network Traffic
Mohammad Hosseini (Shahid Beheshti University, Iran); Sina Darabi (Università della Svizzera italiana (USI), Switzerland); Mohammad Nakhjiri (Shahid Beheshti University, Iran); Patrick Eugster (Università Della Svizzera Italiana (USI), Switzerland)
Is a Name Enough? A First Look into Detecting Clouds Using DNS Pointer Records
Sousan Tarahomi, Raffaele Sommese and Pieter-Tjerk de Boer (University of Twente, The Netherlands); Jeroen Linssen (Saxion University of Applied Sciences, The Netherlands); Ralph G Holz (University of Münster, Germany & University of Twente, The Netherlands); Anna Sperotto (Twente University, The Netherlands)
Experience Report: Using JA4+ Fingerprints for Malware Detection in Encrypted Traffic
Petr Matoušek and Ondrej Rysavy (Brno University of Technology, Czech Republic); Ivana Burgetová (Brno University of Technology & Faculty of Information Technology, Czech Republic)
In-network real-time flow classification using hierarchical decision trees
Teodor Karkashina, Awais Aziz Shah and Dimitrios P Pezaros (University of Glasgow, United Kingdom (Great Britain))
Enhancing Bandwidth Utilization for Video Streaming with Packet Trimming in 6G
Stuart Clayman (University College London (UCL), United Kingdom (Great Britain)); Muge Sayit (University of Essex, United Kingdom (Great Britain)); David Griffin and Miguel Rio (University College London, United Kingdom (Great Britain))

Thursday, October 31 14:00 - 15:30

Full paper session 7

Web and Internet Performance
Room 217 Willenbergův sál
Impact of DANE on Webpage Load Time
Kota Yagi (Osaka Prefecture University & Money Forward, Inc., Japan); Katsuki Isobe, Daishi Kondo and Hideki Tode (Osaka Metropolitan University, Japan)
A First Look at User-Installed Residential Proxies From a Network Operator's Perspective
Etienne Khan (University of Twente, The Netherlands); Elisa Chiapponi (Amadeus IT Group, France); Martijn Verkleij (University of Twente, The Netherlands); Anna Sperotto (Twente University, The Netherlands); Roland van Rijswijk-Deij (University of Twente & NLnet Labs, The Netherlands); Jeroen van der Ham-de Vos (University of Twente, The Netherlands)
Data Pipeline System Designs for In-network Learning
Patient Ntumba (Cnam, France); Nour El Houda Yellas (Orange, France); Salah Bin-ruba (Cnam, France); Fehmi Ben Abdesslem (RISE, Sweden); Stefano Secci (Cnam, France)

Thursday, October 31 16:00 - 17:30

Distinguished expert panel + Closing ceremony

Room 217 Willenbergův sál