12th International Conference on Network and Service Management
Montreal, Quebec, Canada, Oct. 31 - Nov. 4, 2016


End-to-End Orchestration in Multi-tier Clouds based on Software-Defined Infrastructure

Speakers: Hadi Bannazadeh, Byungchul Park, and Prof. Alberto Leon-Garcia (NSERC SAVI Strategic Network and University of Toronto, Canada)

Room: A-1582

Abstract: An outstanding practical challenge is how to orchestrate applications end-to-end across distributed cloud computing and software-defined network infrastructures. In this tutorial we work through a series of hands-on exercises that teach how end-to-end orchestration is done in the SAVI testbed that integrates OpenStack and OpenFlow in a multi-tier computing cloud based on software-defined infrastructure. The goal of the tutorial is to prepare participants to use the SAVI testbed in their research, for example prototyping future Internet protocols or applications in a real cloud environment. The tutorial has four parts:. 1) SAVI Basics–Introduction to SAVI testbed and basic operations; 2) E2E Orchestration & Service Chaining–Layer-2 backbone WAN connectivity between SAVI nodes, and orchestration and service chaining for NFV in SAVI testbed; 3) MonArch Monitoring and Analytics on a big data framework; and 4) Legacy and Hybrid Infrastructures–deploying SAVI-SDI features in legacy environments. By the end of the tutorial attendees will be able to orchestrate, monitor and analyze resources for novel services. The exercises will require participants to bring a laptop to the tutorial.

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