Call for Tutorials
Tutorials are an integral part of the program of CNSM 2019. They provide participants with broad and comprehensive overviews of emerging fields in management of information, networks and communication technology. Experts are invited to submit half-day (3 hours) tutorial proposals. Full-day tutorials as well as tutorials including hands-on experience are also warmly welcome.
Suggested topics include, but are not limited to:
- Cognitive network and service management
- Data analytics for network and service management
- Machine learning and network intelligence
- Management of Internet of Things
- Managing software defined infrastructures
- Network Function Virtualization management
- Managing converged networks and services
- Managing cloud computing and services
- State of the art on wireless network management
- State of the art on security management
- Smart grid management
- Smart devices management
- Managing future networks
- Green communication management
- Blockchain for network and service management
- Management of blockchain networks and transactions
- Self-driving networks
- Connected and autonomous networks
- DevOps for network management
Important Dates:
Tutorial Proposal Submission: April 15, 2019
Acceptance Notification: April 30, 2019
Camera Ready Due: August 30, 2019
Conference: October 21 - 25, 2019
Submission Instructions:
If you are interested in presenting a tutorial at CNSM 2019, please fill in the Tutorial Proposal Form and submit it to the Technical Program Co-Chairs.
Tutorial Proposal Form: Please download the form from here
Additional Information:
Once accepted, a tutorial will be held provided that there is a minimum audience of 5 registrants for the tutorial. A stipend of CAD $600 or one free full conference registration will be offered per tutorial (to be shared among speakers for a particular tutorial if more than one speaker presents the tutorial). As for most conferences, travel and other expenses are to be covered by the tutorial speakers themselves. For further information, please contact the Technical Program Co-Chairs.
Technical Program Co-Chairs
Nur Zincir-Heywood, Dalhousie University, Canada:
Remi Badonnel, Telecom Nancy, France: