Tutorial 1
Title: Development of a Production Ready Data Analytics Pipeline for Real-time Threat Detection
Speaker: Jeff Schwartzentruber, 2Keys Corporation, Canada
Abstract: The increase in digitization and security threats has resulted in the increased demand for systems that are capable of handling large amounts of streaming data, with advanced analytics capabilities and low latency. Participants will first be given an introduction into the current threat landscape and modern approaches to detecting cyber-attacks. This tutorial will give viewers an understanding of the system requirements and an overview of a predominate modelling technique (anomaly detection) used in the cyber-security space. The goal of this tutorial is to provide an in-depth understanding of how to develop and implement a distributed monitoring solution, using open source software, and the theory behind anomaly detection using Bayesian methods.
Dr. Jeff Schwartzentruber holds the position of Principal Data Scientist and Research Lead at 2Keys Corporation. Dr. Schwartzentruber received his PhD in Mechanical Engineering from Ryerson University with a focus on analytical process modelling and is a fellow of the Ontario Centre of Excellence. In his role at 2Keys, Dr. Schwartzentruber is responsible for the continued development, innovation and leadership of machine learning and data science capabilities at the intersection of identity and access management, advanced threat analytics and response, and managed security services. Jeff's research interests include machine learning (particularly deep learning and boosted trees), real-time anomaly detection, and analytical/semi-empirical model development for security and business applications.
Tutorial 2
Title: Blockchains for Industrial IoT - solutions, use-cases, and network management issues
Speakers: Pal Varga, Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Hungary and Ferenc Nandor Janky, Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Hungary
Abstract: Utilizing Blockchains within the Internet of Things (IoT) concept is quite a recent idea. There are already a number of use cases and supporting frameworks available, which shows its potential benefits for many domains. There are interesting, business-driven target areas within the Industrial IoT domain, including sectors such as supply chain (including manufacturing, transportation and logistics), maintenance, energy trading, grids, and even healthcare. When compared to consumer IoT, these systems have special requirements: certain level of real-time, security, engineering complexity, multi-stakeholder visibility, fast transaction and asset traceability. While the Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) already addresses some areas of these (such as multi-stakeholder visibility or asset traceability), Blockchain Technology (BCT) provides additional value for security, building trust, and reducing cost while accelerating transactions of service agreements. This tutorial aims to reveal the opportunities and challenges as well as presenting real-life examples together with network management aspects. First it provides an overview and definitions the BCT universe – from Assets and Blocks through Consensus Mechanisms and Distributed Ledgers to Wallets. Next, it describes some special requirements of the Industrial IoT domain together with ideas of utilizing BCT to cover these needs. While discussing benefits, the tutorial reveals some drawbacks as well. These help us answering the questions: when is it beneficial to use BCT, when is it questionable, and when is it avoidable? Furthermore, the tutorial provides insights on various use-cases of employing BCT and smart service contracts in healthcare, electricity trading, production, asset tracking or proactive maintenance. Aside from being interesting simply because they are becoming core technologies of near-future systems, IIoT and Blockchains have a network management viewpoint as well. The IIoT end-devices need on-boarding, their data needs to be secured, authenticity needs to be checked, and trust needs to be built – all of which tasks BCT can be utilized effectively. Moreover, as part of configuration management, reliable and secure firmware distribution and upgrade can be supported inherently. Regarding implementations, instead of the well-known Blockchains that are used as cryptocurrencies (e.g. Bitcoin, Ethereum, etc.), this tutorial presents other realizations, such as IoTcoin, IOTA, or HDAC, which are targeting IIoT applications. The practical part of the tutorial will include the following parts: Implementing a simple smart-contract based distributed application to reinforce concepts learned on BlockChains and to introduce a selected distributed application framework with its programmer's interface. Creating a more complex distributed smart-contract based solution for modelling product life-cycle in IIoT setting using the framework introduced. Performing simulation by adding IIoT actors to the system and executing measurements on throughput, convergence time, latency, computational requirements on end devices etc. Analyzing the measurement results and implementing potential system tweaks for the IoT use case and verifying that with a subsequent measurement.
Pal Varga currently holds an associate professor position at Budapest University of Technology and Economics (BME), where he teaches various subjects, including "IoT frameworks and industrial applications", partially covering the topic of the current tutorial. Beside being active in the network and service management research community, he works on the Industrial IoT field, as well. His research covers IoT frameworks, interoperability and integrability issues, heterogeneous IoT systems, protocol translation, service oriented architectures, Industrie4.0 use-cases IoT security, IoT lifecycle management, smart service contracts, and Blockchains for IIoT. He is currently the Editor-in-Chief of the Infocommunications Journal, published by the Scientific Association for Infocommunications, Hungary (HTE), a Sister Society of IEEE.
Ferenc Nandor Janky currently is a PhD student at Budapest University of Technology and Economics (BME) where his thesis research topic is around process and life-cycle modelling in Industrial IoT frameworks. He graduated with a Master's in Electrical Engineering from BME with a specialization in Incofommuncation Systems in 2013. He has several years industrial experience gained at various telecommunications companies like Vodafone, AITIA International Inc., Ericsson. Beside of the PhD studies he is currently working in the financial industry developing low-latency trading applications.